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Ljubav-Mudrost.pdf  – knjiga (preuzmi)  – – –    Love-Wisdom – book (Download)

   Ljubav mir samilost (ppsx)  (preuzmi)    – – –    Love Peace Compassion (ppsx)  (download)  

 Freedom to Freedom – pdf download – – – – – preuzmi – – – Sloboda-Slobodi  – pdf 

Viđenje srcem  –  preuzmi – Knjiga pdf. – format 10,5 cm x 14,8 cm

Dubrovnik-links (Dubrovnik links postcard pdf.)

  Dubrovnik-Palestina (English-Hrvatski pictures-links) 

Dubrovnik_Palestine (English language)  – – –  Dubrovnik_Palestina.pdf (Hrvatki jezik)

                   Dubrovnik-Libertas ( crossword-quotes-info pdf.)1MB

 IN DAYS OF GREAT PEACE By Mouni Sadhu (about Ramana Maharshi)  – 

– Wanting to reform the world without discovering one’s true self is like trying to cover the world with leather to avoid the pain of walking on stones and thorns. It is much simpler to wear shoes. – When the men, the embodied beings treat each other with equal respect and have good brotherly feelings amongst themselves, great peace and harmony abound. Then all this earth shines like one house. The whole world shines like the one dwelling house of the entire human family. . . – Your own Self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world. Ramana Maharishi

Dubrovnik-poveznice (preko 60 poveznica za svakoga po nešto 1MB pdf) –

Dubrovnikportallinkkrizaljke – (poveznice sa dubrovnikportala pdf) 

Transcending Suffering – book  Suffering – The Ending of Suffering pdf.   – –  Patnja i kraj patnje –  Knjiga pdf.  

Dar-Darivanja  –  knjiga pdf. – format 10,5 cm x 14,8 cm   –  Dar-darivanja-krizaljke / ODRASLI POŠTUJTE DJECU  – i djeca imaju prava na zaštitu od nasilja i straha  i kršenja prava – video što odraslima poručuju  djeca 

Without feelings of respect, what is there to distinguish men from beasts? Confucius – – Bez osjećaja poštovanja, što razlikuje ljude od zvijeri? Konfucije

Wars and participants in wars are judged by crimes against civilians. Andrija Hebrang – Minister of Health in the Government of the Republic of Croatia from 1990 to 1992 (during the war of aggression against Croatia, the number of civilian victims was higher than that of the military) – November 24, 2023 – “I was in the government when Brussels ordered a coalition with the Serbs. For me, the most tragic lie in recent Croatian history is the suppression of Serbian and Montenegrin crimes in the aggression against Croatia. In other nations, the perpetrators of crimes sweep the truth under the carpet, and in Croatia the victims. We ourselves sweep that truth under the carpet. We are the only war that has recorded every civilian victim. . . . Croatia is the only country in the European Union where the aggressor participates in key decision-making. It is known what minorities should do, they should maintain their cultural, historical, and folk customs, but the minority cannot decide on the state budget or key strategic decisions of the government. This is happening only in Croatia.”) more see link



Any oppression, regardless of who it is directed at, is a crime against God and His Divine Spirit. Beinsa Douno – 1864 – 1944 – Dec 14, 2023 “It has never been more clear that Palestinian children are targets as Israeli forces pursue a deliberate and systematic campaign across the occupied West Bank and Gaza to destroy Palestinian life,” said Khaled Quzmar, general director at Defense for Children International – Palestine. “Unlawful killing, torture, and other atrocity crimes were the norm for Palestinian children in 2023, forced to endure unrelenting Israeli military occupation and aggression with no end in sight.” – 4 Aug 2024 – At least 30 people have been killed and many others injured in Israeli strikes on two United Nations-run schools in the west of Gaza City. -Aug 05, 2024 -Israeli forces and settlers have killed 60 Palestinian children in the occupied West Bank in 2024, including two United States citizens, according to documentation collected by DCIP. 141 Palestinian children have been killed in the occupied West Bank since October 7, according to documentation collected by DCIP, when the Israeli military began a full-scale military offensive on the Gaza Strip.

Freedom is the crux of self-respect. It is difficult to feel good about ourselves when we are unnaturally dependent on someone or something. David J. Lieberman – – Sloboda je srž samopoštovanja. Teško je osjećati se dobro kada smo neprirodno ovisni o nekome ili nečemu. Respect yourself above all. Pythagoras – – Poštuj sebe iznad svega. Pitagora

Dubrovnik – Croatia defended its own on its own land just as Palestine defends its own on its own land. Defenders are not terrorists, nor aggressors.

What Israel is doing today cannot be condoned, and to invoke the horrors of the past to justify those of the present is gross hypocrisy. on the Middle East: Bertrand Russell’s Last Message – 31. 1. 1970.

Give me the voice of thunder, that I may curse this cannibal whose terrible Hunger spares neither women nor children. Rabindranath Tagore 1861-1941 ICJ ruling says world must act to end Israel’s illegal occupation  Maureen Clare Murphy  19 July 2024 – In a landmark ruling announced on Friday, the International Court of Justice declared Israel’s continued presence in the West Bank and Gaza, occupied by its military and heavily colonized by its settlers since 1967, to be unlawful. The tribunal, which is composed of 15 judges and is also known as the World Court, stated that Israel is obliged to “bring an end to its unlawful presence in the occupied Palestinian territory as rapidly as possible,” halt all new settlement activity and evacuate all settlers. Israel is also obliged to make reparations, the court declared, and other states and international organizations must not “recognize as legal” Israel’s presence in the occupied territory or render assistance in maintaining the occupation. The court confirmed that the obligation to affirmatively act to end the illegal occupation does not fall on Israel alone, but on all states. All countries around the world are “under an obligation not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by Israel’s illegal presence” in the occupied Palestinian territories, the judges stated in their ruling. States must ensure that “any impediment resulting from the illegal presence of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory to the exercise of the Palestinian people of its right to self-determination is brought to an end,” the judges add, in what can be seen as an endorsement of international sanctions on Israel. 

Wanton killing of innocent civilians is terrorism, not a war against terrorism. Noam Chomsky

The right to self-defense, which Israel absolutely has, does not include the right to revenge and massacre civilians, – Zoran Milanović – President of Croatia, 2023.

What is happening in the Gaza Strip with the Palestinian people has no parallel in other historical moments. In fact, it did exist when Hitler decided to kill the Jews. What is happening in the Gaza Strip is not war, it is genocide. It’s not a war of soldiers against soldiers. It’s a war between a highly prepared army and women and children. Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva – President of Brazil, 2024.

Dubrovnik-Palestine-Libertas – (click download video)  – –

Dubrovnik-Palestine-Pen – (click download video)











Receive children with respect, raise them in love and send them to freedom. Rudolf Steiner – – Primite djecu s poštovanjem, odgajajte ih u ljubavi i šaljite u slobodu. Rudolf Steiner 

You have to live like that in order to be able to respect yourself. Maxim Gorky – Treba tako živjeti kako bi mogao samog sebe poštovati.  Maksim Gorki

If we are not free, no one will respect us. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam – – Ako nismo slobodni, nitko nas neće poštovati. A. P. Abdul Kalam

A true self-respect is that feeling inside a man, call it conscience if you wish, which keeps him from giving way to bestial impulses and dishonest action. . . – Thus self-respect becomes a moral quality and when traced to its ultimate meaning it becomes respect for one’s own higher self. Paul Brunton – – – Istinsko samopoštovanje je osjećaj u čovjeku, ako želiš nazovi to savjest, koja ga sprečava da se prepušta životinjskim impulsima i nepoštenim djelima. Samopoštovanje postaje moralna kvaliteta i kada se usmjeri na svoje krajnje značenje to postaje poštovanje za svoje više ja. Paul Brunton

Any action in any area of ​​human life should be illuminated by the light of the spirit, the light of the divine core that shines in every man. Rudolf Steiner – – – – Svako djelovanje na bilo kojem području ljudskog života treba biti obasjano svjetlom duha, svjetlom božanske jezgre koja svijetli u svakom čovjeku. Rudolf Steiner

Humility leads to strength and not to weakness. It is the highest form of self-respect to admit mistakes and to make amends for them. John J. McCloy 1895 – 1989 – – – Poniznost dovodi do snage, a ne slabosti. Priznavanje pogrešaka i njihovo ispravljanje najviši su oblik samopoštovanja. John J. McCloy

Beware of everything that is low and unworthy, do not accept any of it into your being, so that your character does not become perverted and acts contrary to your true nature, and that you do not become an obstacle to yourself on the path of returning to your true homeland. Hermes Trismegistus – THE ADMONITION OF THE SOUL  – – – –  Čuvaj se svega što je nisko i nedostojno, ništa od toga ne primaj u svoje biće, da se tvoj karakter ne bi izopačio i tvojoj istinskoj prirodi djelovao suprotno i da ne bi samoj sebi postala prepreka na stazi povratka svom istinskom zavičaju. Hermes Trismegistos – OPOMENA DUŠI   – – – – – – –   Hermes-Gnosis

For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. Nelson Mandela – – – Biti slobodan ne znači samo odbaciti svoje okove, već živjeti na način koji poštuje i unapređuje slobodu drugih. Nelson Mandela

The only Real Control is the discipline of the senses from indulgence in low desires, which alone ensures absolute purity of character. Meher Baba – – – Jedina stvarna kontrola je disciplina osjetila od prepuštanja niskim željama, koja jedina osigurava apsolutnu čistoću karaktera. Meher Baba

Men and women of real power and influence are few, because few are prepared to make the sacrifice necessary to the acquirement of power, and fewer still are ready to patiently build up character. James Allen – THE WAY OF PEACE  – – – –  Malo je muškaraca i žena stvarne moći i utjecaja jer je malo njih spremno podnijeti žrtvu potrebnu za stjecanje moći, a još je manje onih koji su spremni strpljivo graditi karakter. James Allen – PUT MIRA

Nisargadatta: Beauty of life and character is a tremendous contribution to the common good. . . – Karma shapes the circumstances: the attitudes are your own. Ultimately your character shapes your life and you alone can shape your character. . . – Q: How does one shape one’s character? – Nisargadatta: By seeing it as it is, and being sincerely sorry. This integral seeing-feeling can work miracles. It is like casting a bronze image; metal alone, or fire alone will not do; nor will the mould be of any use; you have to melt down the metal in the heat of the fire and cast it in the mould. . . . – The character will become a person, when he begins to shape his life instead of accepting it as it comes, and identifying himself with it. . . . – The realized man lives on the level of the absolutes; his wisdom, love and courage are complete, there is nothing relative about him. . . . – It is man’s character which life builds and shapes from birth to birth. The universal is beyond all name and shape, beyond consciousness and character, pure unselfconscious being. . . . – You merely talk of helping. Have you ever helped, really helped, a single man? Have you ever put one soul beyond the need of further help? Can you give a man character, based on full realization of his duties and opportunities at least, if not on the insight into his true being? When you do not know what is good for yourself, how can you know what is good for others? . . . – – – A man who keeps himself in low esteem, will not be able to trust himself, nor anybody else. . . – The world appears to you so overwhelmingly real, because you think of it all the time; cease thinking of it and it will dissolve into thin mist. You need not forget; when desire and fear end, bondage also ends. It is the emotional involvement, the pattern of likes and dislikes which we call character and temperament, that create the bondage. . . – Real happiness is not vulnerable, because it does not depend on circumstances. . . – Circumstances and conditions rule the ignorant. The knower of reality is not compelled. The only law he obeys is that of love. Nisargadatta Maharaj – I AM THAT  – – – – – – Nisargadatta: Ljepota života i karaktera ogroman je doprinos općem dobru. . . – Karma oblikuje okolnosti: stavovi su vaši. U suštini, vaš karakter uobličava vaš život, a samo vi možete da oblikujete vaš karakter. . . . . – P: Kako se oblikuje nečiji karakter? – Nisargadatta: Tako što ga vidim takvim kakav jeste i iskreno mi je žao. Ovaj integralni osjećaj gledanja može činiti čuda. To je poput lijevanja brončanog kipa; metal sam, ili samo vatra neće ništa učiniti; niti će kalup biti od kakve koristi; morate rastopiti metal u toplini vatre i izliti ga u kalup. . . . – Karakter će postati osoba, kada počne oblikovati svoj život umjesto da ga prihvati onakvim kakav jeste i počne se poistovjećivati s njim. . . . – Realizirani čovjek živi na razini apsoluta; njegova mudrost, ljubav i hrabrost su potpuni, nema ništa relativno u vezi s njim. . . . – To je čovjekov karakter koji život gradi i oblikuje od rođenja do rođenja. Univerzalno je izvan svakog imena i oblika, izvan svijesti i karaktera, čisto nesvjesno biće. . . . – Vi samo govorite o pomaganju. Jeste li ikada pomogli, stvarno pomogli, jednom čovjeku? Jeste li ikada stavili jednu dušu izvan potrebe za daljnjom pomoći? Možete li čovjeku dati karakter, temeljen barem na punom ostvarenju njegovih dužnosti i mogućnosti, ako ne na uvidu u njegovo pravo biće? Kad ne znate što je dobro za vas, kako možete znati što je dobro za druge? . . . – – – Čovjek koji nema poštovanja za sebe (op. pr. sebe ne cijeni), neće moći vjerovati sebi, niti bilo kome drugome. . . – Svijet tebi izgleda tako silno stvaran, jer o tome misliš cijelo vrijeme; prestani misliti o tome i to će se rastvoriti u tanku sumaglicu. Ne trebate zaboraviti; kada prestanu želja i strah, prestaje i ropstvo. Emocionalna uključenost, obrazac sviđanja i nesviđanja koji nazivamo karakterom i temperamentom, stvaraju ropstvo. . . . – Prava sreća nije ranjiva, jer ne ovisi o okolnostima. . . – Okolnosti i uvjeti vladaju neznalicom. Znalac stvarnosti nije pod prisilom. Jedini zakon kojem se on pokorava jeste ljubav. Nisargadatta Maharaj – JA SAM TOžilice-karakter-i-oplemenjivanje.pdf

Some young women confuse their self-worth with their ability to attract the attention of men, and so pour all their energies into makeup, clothing, and jewelry. If only they realized that virtue, honor, and self-respect are the marks of a true beauty.  Epictetus –  The Manual: A Philosopher’s Guide to Life – Neke mlade žene brkaju vlastitu vrijednost sa svojom sposobnošću da privuku pozornost muškaraca, pa svu svoju energiju usmjeravaju na šminku, odjeću i nakit. Kad bi samo shvatile da su vrlina, čast i samopoštovanje obilježja prave ljepote. Epiktet – Priručnik: filozofski vodič kroz život – Beauty is not in the face, beauty is the light in the heart. K. Gibran – Ljepota nije u licu, ljepota je svjetlo u srcu.  Khalil Gibran 1883 – 1931

Beautify not your body, but your heart and soul. Because the outside is what the creatures look at, and the inside is what the Creator looks at. Jalaludin Rumi 1207 – 1273 – – Ne uljepšavaj svoje tijelo, već svoje srce i dušu. Jer vanjsko je ono u što gledaju stvorenja, a unutrašnjost ono u što gleda Stvoritelj. Jalaludin Rumi 1207 – 1273   

The real ornament of woman is her character, her purity. Mahatma Gandhi – – Pravi ukras žene je njezin karakter, njezina čistoća. Mahatma Gandhi

Achieving two noble goals, selflessness and flawlessness, is the highest form of beauty. – Doseći dva plemenita cilja, nesebičnost i besprijekornost, najviši je oblik ljepote. His K’ang 

Respect begins with the correct awareness of who you are, with self-love and self-acceptance. Rich DeVoss – HOPE FROM MY HEART   – – – – – – –  Odvikavanje od navika.doc – Poštovanje počinje od ispravne svijesti o tome što ste, od ljubavi prema sebi i prihvaćanju samog sebe. Rich DeVoss – NADA IZ MOJEGA SRCA 

ALCOHOL – While improper use of food can lead to illness or even death, drinking also leads to loss of self-esteem, meaning in life, wealth, true pleasure, intelligence and courage. Ashtanga Hridayam: Nidanasthana ch. 6 version 11. – – – – – ALKOHOL – Dok neispravno korištenje hrane može voditi do bolesti ili čak smrti, pijenje isto tako vodi do gubitka samopoštovanja, smisla života, bogatstva, istinskog užitka, inteligencije i hrabrosti. Ashtanga Hridayam: Nidanasthana pogl. 6 verzija 11. 

Spiritual starvation is a very extreme form of self-alienation. . . – People don’t know who they are. A drug addict has internally cut himself off from life. He let himself go. The way to restore hope is to restore meaning in his life: he must acquire a new view of himself, a sense of his own worth. The first thing is to help him raise his self-esteem. Self-respect gradually becomes self-awareness and eventually Self-realization, which is the purpose of life. If people are not aware of themselves, if they think that they are useless, worthless and helpless, without a place in society, then suicide is an inevitable consequence, whether immediate or delayed, of drug abuse. We cannot solve the problem by imprisoning addicts or tightening the law or preaching ideologies or religions. Benjamin Creme – MAITREYA’S MISSION   – – – – – –  Duhovna izgladnjelost je veoma ekstremni oblik samo-otuđenja. . . – Ljudi ne znaju tko su oni. Ovisnik o drogi je iznutra sebe odvojio od života. On se prepustio. Način da se obnovi nada jeste obnova smisla u njegovom životu: on mora steći novi pogled o sebi, osjećaj svoje vlastite vrijednosti. Prva stvar jeste da mu se pomogne podići samo-poštovanje. Samo-poštovanje postepeno postaje samo-svjesnost i eventualnoo Samo-realizacija, što je svrha života. Ako ljudi nisu svjesni sebe, ako misle da su beskorisni, bezvrijedni i bespomoćni, bez mjesta u društvu, onda je samoubistvo neizbježna posljedica, bilo da je trenutno ili usporeno, zloupotrebom droga. Mi ne možemo riješiti problem zatvaranjem ovisnika ili po-oštravanjem zakona ili propovjedanjem ideologija ili religija.  Benjamin Creme – MAITREYA’S MISSION

. . . Third stage: HABIT – From the second, it is very easy to slip into the third stage. Already very harmful and very dangerous – DRUG ADDICTION. An addict takes it in order to cope with life’s problems more easily. He neglects his daily duties, loses his breath at school, at work, is left without old friends, moves in a new society – the society of drug addicts. Now it’s already hard to give up. . . For a short time, he may stop taking drugs, but the first opportunity or the first problem he encounters, he returns to it again. He becomes aware that what he is doing is not good, but he is simply unable to stop, which further destroys his self-esteem. . . Source: – – – . . . Treća faza: NAVIKA – Iz druge, vrlo je lako skliznuti u treću fazu. Već vrlo štetnu i vrlo opasnu – ZAOKUPLJENOST DROGOM. Ovisnik je uzima kako bi se lakše nosio sa životnim problemima. Zanemaruje svoje dnevne obaveze, gubi dah u školi, na poslu, ostaje bez starih prijatelja, kreće se u novom društvu – društvu narkomana. Sada je već teško odustati… Na kraće će vrijeme možda i prestati uzimati drogu, ali prva prigoda ili prvi problem na koji naleti i opet joj se vraća. Postaje svjestan da to što radi nije dobro, ali jednostavno nije u stanju prekinuti, što dodatno ruši samopoštovanje. . . Izvor:

Whenever you damage your own character with something, you diminish the value of your own being, and the direct victim of that is your self-esteem. John Templeton – THE WISDOM OF WORLD RELIGIONS – – – Kada god nečim oštetite vlastiti karakter, umanjujete vrijednost vlastitoga bića, a izravna žrtva toga jeste vaše samopoštovanje. John Templeton

Decide to construct your character through excellent actions and determine to pay the price of a worthy goal. The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. Remain steadfast…and one day you will build something that endures: something worthy of your potential. Epictetus – – – – Odlučite izgraditi svoj karakter izvrsnim akcijama i odlučite platiti cijenu vrijednu cilja. Kušnje s kojima se susrećete upoznat će vas s vašim snagama. Ostanite postojani. . . i jednog ćete dana izgraditi nešto što traje: nešto dostojno vašeg potencijala. Epiktet

Long life depends on the right thinking and feeling, on the deep and proper breathing. Proper breathing helps for forming the character, strengthens the light of the mind, and makes the face beautiful. . . – The gold in the blood is no more than one ten-millionth part of milligram, but it influences man’s character. If scientists want to find that gold through the scales, which they have, they will never find it, but in the blood of some people it exists and its influence is powerful. . . In general, food affects one’s character. . . – Beinsa Douno 1864-1944 – HEALTH GUIDE – – – Dug život ovisi o pravilnom razmišljanju i osjećanju, o dubokom i pravilnom disanju. Pravilno disanje pomaže u formiranju karaktera, jača svjetlost uma i čini lice lijepim. . . – Zlata u krvi nema više od desetomilijuntog dijela miligrama, ali ono utječe na čovjekov karakter. Ako znanstvenici žele pronaći to zlato kroz vagu, koju imaju, nikada ga neće pronaći, ali u krvi nekih ljudi ga ima i njegov utjecaj je snažan. . . Općenito, hrana utječe na nečiji karakter. . . – Beinsa Duno 1864-1944 – ZDRAVSTVENI VODIČ 

Don’t we respect ourselves, how can we respect anyone or anything else? Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz – FIFTH AGREEMENT WITH SELF – – – Ne poštujemo li sebe, kako možemo poštovati bilo koga ili bilo što drugo? Don Miguel Ruiz i Don Jose Ruiz – PETI SPORAZUM SA SAMIM SOBOM 

Rejection of ourselves, lack of self-esteem, makes us become something other than we are. – – –  Odbacivanje samog sebe, odsustvo samopoštovanja, čini da postajemo nešto drugo nego što jesmo. Dr. Dráuzio Varella 


A new world must be born, a world that would justify the sacrifices offered by humanity. This new world must be a world in which there shall be no exploitation of the weak by the strong, of the good by the evil; where there will be no humiliation of the poor by the violence of the rich; where the products of intellect, science and art will serve society for the betterment and beautification of life, and not the individuals for achieving wealth. This new world shall not be a world of the downtrodden and humiliated, but of free men and free nations, equal in dignity and respect.” Nikola Tesla – – – – – Mora se roditi novi svijet, svijet koji će opravdati žrtve koje nudi čovječanstvo. Ovaj novi svijet mora biti svijet u kojem neće biti iskorištavanja slabih od strane jakih, dobrih od strane zlih; gdje neće biti ponižavanja siromašnih nasiljem bogatih; gdje će proizvodi intelekta, znanosti i umjetnosti služiti društvu za poboljšanje i uljepšavanje života, a ne pojedincima za postizanje bogatstva. Ovaj novi svijet neće biti svijet ugnjetenih i poniženih, već slobodnih ljudi i slobodnih naroda, jednakih u dostojanstvu i poštovanju. Nikola Tesla 1856 – 1943 – Every single one of you, independently, is a beacon of light for those around you. So set the example, stand up, continue to fight … let your children see what it means to be free. dr. Rashid Buttar 1966 – 2023 – (18. May 2023.)  – – – Svatko od vas, nezavisno, je svjetionik za one oko vas. Zato dajte primjer, ustajte, nastavite se boriti… neka vaša djeca vide što znači biti slobodan. dr. Rashid Buttar 1966 – 2023 

You Were Warned 3 Years Ago. Health Is The Most Precious Of ALL Your Commodities! So Safeguard It. 3 years ago, if someone told you the world would be a different place like it is today, would you have believed them? Well, 3 years ago, Dr. Buttar DID tell the world and over 9.2 million people heard him in just the first 6 days after his message was released. Over the next 6 months, over 500 million people all around the globe heard his message before he was banned from all social media! Today, everything he said 3 years ago unfortunately, has come to pass. see video bellow – – – Upozoreni ste prije 3 godine. Zdravlje je najdragocjenije od svih vaših dobara! Pa čuvajte ga. Prije 3 godine, da vam je netko rekao da će svijet biti drugačije mjesto kao što je danas, biste li mu povjerovali? Pa, prije 3 godine, dr. Buttar JESTE rekao svijetu i više od 9,2 milijuna ljudi čulo ga je u samo prvih 6 dana nakon što je njegova poruka objavljena. Tijekom sljedećih 6 mjeseci, više od 500 milijuna ljudi diljem svijeta čulo je njegovu poruku prije nego što mu je zabranjen pristup svim društvenim mrežama! Danas se sve ono što je rekao prije 3 godine, nažalost, obistinilo.  vidi video

The old Lakota were wise. They knew that man’s heart becomes hard when he gets away from nature and that disrespect for living, growing things also leads to disrespect for people. Therefore, they always taught the young not to stray from her soothing influence.  Chief – Luther Standing Bear, Oglala Sioux – – Mudri su bili stari Lakote. Znali su da čovjekovo srce postaje tvrdo kad se udalji od prirode i da nepoštivanje živih, rastućih stvari također vodi nepoštivanju ljudi. Stoga su uvijek podučavali mlade da se ne udaljavaju od njenog umirujućeg utjecaja. Poglavica – Luther Medvjed Koji Stoji, Oglala Sioux 

Za roditelje vegance  – knjižica prevedena 1990 godine – o roditeljimaJ i djeci u početku veganskog pokreta – Veganstvo-vegeterijanstvo – krizaljke-izreke (u krizaljci na vrhu sa strane klikni na linkove isto i u dar-darivanja – puna darova)

Self-respect and a clear conscience are strong components of integrity and are the basis for enriching your relationships with others. Dennis Waitley – – – – – – Samopoštovanje i čista savjest snažne su sastavnice integriteta i osnova su za obogaćivanje vaših odnosa s drugima. Denis Waitley

Max Igan (Australija)-(english-croatian video) – (english-croatian video) – VIDEO: Vandana Shiva: How to proceed? – We are all part of one humanity and part of one Earth. – – – Svi smo dio jednog čovječanstva i dio jedne Zemlje. 

“. . . People who don’t love themselves can’t show love to others. And people who have no self-esteem don’t know how to respect others. Remember this and you will be free. “Robin Sharma – DISCOVER YOUR DESTINY – “. . . Ljudi koji ne vole sebe ne mogu drugima pokazati ljubav. A ljudi koji nemaju nikakvog samopoštovanja ne znaju poštovati druge. Prisjećaj se ovoga i oslobodit ćeš se.“ Robin Sharma – OTKRIJTE  SVOJU SUDBINU

Build up your character, and manifest your real nature, the Effulgent, the Resplendent, the Ever Pure, and call It up in everyone that you see. Swami Vivekananda 1862-1902 – – Izgrađujte svoj karakter i ispoljavaj svoju stvarnu prirodu, Sjajnu, Blistavu, Uvijek Čistu, i prizivaj je u svakome koga vidiš. Swami Vivekananda

Character is higher than intelligence. – – – Karakter je viši od inteligencije. Ralph Emersonn

To develop spirit is to build character. Mahatma Gandhi  –  Razviti duh znači izgraditi karakter. Mahatma Gandhi  – –  Lažljivac lako polaže zakletvu. Douglas Malloch – – – A liar easily takes his oath. Douglas Malloch 

I love those who can smile in adversity, who can gather strength from adversity and become brave as a result. “It is the business of small minds to shrink, but those whose hearts are firm and whose consciences approve of their conduct, will follow their principles to the death.  Leonardo da Vinci   -Volim one koji se mogu nasmiješiti u nevolji, koji mogu skupiti snagu iz nevolje i postati hrabri kao rezultat. “Posao malih umova je da se sustežu, ali oni čija su srca čvrsta i čija savjest odobrava njihovo ponašanje, slijedit će svoja načela do smrti. Leonardo da Vinci 1452 – 1519

The defense of higher truths requires unwavering moral courage and the devotee should be ready to face the  criticism, contempt and even hatred of those to whom these truths are not yet available. Meher Baba


 – The doctor becomes cruel and callous if he deals with his own profession for money. – – – Liječnik postaje okrutan i bezosjećajan ako se bavi svojom profesijom zbog novca. Ramakrishna 1836 – 1886

The end of knowledge is wisdom. The end of culture is perfection. The end of wisdom is freedom. The end of education is character.  And character consists of eagerness to renounce one’s selfish greed. Sai Baba

A lesson in courage and integrity – Dr. Julie Ponesse – Book – My Choice: The Ethical Case Against Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates – By Dr. Julie Ponesse (2021) – Ethics professor threatened with dismissal for refusing vaccine – Dr. Ponesse was dissmised from her position o September 7, 2021 see video –… – Published September 7, 2021 (video mogu li nam cjepiva biti nametnuta – kratak odgovor)

If you lose money nothing is lost; if you lose health, something is lost; but if you lose character, all is lost. quoted in Swami Brahmeshananda – HEALTH MEDICINE AND RELIGION, 2004 – Ako izgubite novac, ništa nije izgubljeno; ako izgubite zdravlje, nešto je izgubljeno; ali ako izgubiš karakter, sve je izgubljeno. citirano u Swami Brahmeshananda – HEALTH MEDICINE AND RELIGION,  2004 – – Put Vrline Put Ispravnosti – preuzmi – knjiga.pdf 

Most people say that intellect makes a scientist, they are wrong, a scientist makes his character. Weakness of attitude always leads to weakness of character. Albert Einstein

In vain is the pocket full and the mind sharpened, if the interior is uncultivated and if the character is neglected. . . – – Strong character is the pinnacle of human achievements! Everything that is noble, sublime and great, of which individuals  and their nations are proud, he created. . . – – One man one face, and two faces no man. Juraj Jurjević – – – – Uzalud pun džep i izoštrena pamet, ako je nutrina nekultivirana i ako je karakter zapušten. . . – – Čvrst karakter je vrhunac ljudskih dostignuća! Po njemu je nastalo sve ono plemenito, uzvišeno i veliko, čime se diče i pojedinci i njihovi narodi. . . – – Jedan čovjek jedno lice, a dva lica nijedan čovjek. Juraj Jurjević 1910 – 1985

– Those who experiment with their patients, without knowing the true constitution of man, are murderers. Dr. Paracelsus 1493-1541 – – – We are to rise to a true realization of man’s nature and his position in the universe and then change our knowledge according to the teaching of wisdom, and this kind of study will not injure man; but those who experiment with their patients, without knowing the true constitution of man, are murderers, and can God protect the sick from such! . . – Nature is a doctor, not man. Man has lost the true light of reason, and the animal intellect with its speculations and theories has usurped that place. Try to train yourself to follow Nature again and she will be your instructor. Learn to know the storehouse of Nature and the places where her virtues are stored. Nature’s ways are simple, and she does not require any complicated recipes. – The power of the doctor should rest on the truth; if it relies on a lie, then it will be useless and belong to evil. . . . – The art of medicine should be based on the truth, it is a divine art that should not be prostituted for nefarious purposes. Dr. Paracelsus 1493-1541 – Oni koji eksperimentiraju sa svojim pacijentima, a ne poznaju pravu konstituciju čovjeka, su ubojice. Dr. Paracelsus 1493-1541 – – – Trebamo se uzdići do istinske spoznaje čovjekove prirode i njegovog položaja u svemiru i zatim promijeniti naše znanje u skladu s učenjem mudrosti, a ova vrsta proučavanja neće povrijediti čovjeka; ali oni koji eksperimentiraju sa svojim pacijentima, a ne poznaju pravo ustrojstvo čovjeka, su ubojice, i može li Bog sačuvati bolesne od takvih! . . – Priroda je liječnik, a ne čovjek. Čovjek je izgubio pravo svjetlo razuma, a životinjski intelekt sa svojim spekulacijama i teorijama uzurpirao je to mjesto. Pokušajte se istrenirati da ponovno slijedite Prirodu i ona će vam biti instruktor. Naučite upoznati skladište Prirode i mjesta gdje su pohranjene njezine vrline. Načini prirode su jednostavni i ne zahtijeva komplicirane recepte. – Moć liječnika treba počivati ​​na istini; ako se oslanja na laž, onda će biti beskoristan i pripadati zlu. . . . – Liječničko umijeće treba biti utemeljeno na istini, to je božansko umijeće koje se ne smije prostituirati u podle svrhe. dr. Paracelsus 1493-1541 – – –  

The Buddha mentioned that one of the most important qualities of good caregivers (gilānupaṭṭhākā) is that they “treat the patient with love, not out of a desire for profit” (mettacitta gilānaṃ upatthāti no āmisantaro, A.III,144 – – – Buddha je spominjao da je jedna od najvažnijih osobina dobrih njegovatelja (gilānupaṭ-ṭhākā) da se sa pacijentom “ophode sa ljubavlju, a ne iz želje za korišću” (mettaćitta gilānaṃ upatthāti no āmisantaro, A.III,144 – 

If you lose money, nothing is lost; if you lose health, something is lost; but if you lose character, all is lost. quoted in Swami Brahmeshananda – HEALTH MEDICINE AND RELIGION, 2004. – – – Ako izgubiš novac, ništa nije izgubljeno; ako izgubiš zdravlje, nešto je izgubljeno; ali ako izgubiš karakter, sve je izgubljeno. citirano u Swami Brahmeshananda – ZDRAVLJE MEDICINA I RELIGIJA, 2004.

The Hippocratic Oath The regimen I adopt will be for the benefit of my patients to the best of my ability to judge, not to injure them or do them any harm. . . . While I keep this vow without breaking it, may I be guaranteed to enjoy life and the art of healing, respected by all men, in all times! But if I transgress and break this vow, can the opposite be my fate. Hippocrates – Greek physician who lived in the 5th century BC. Taking this vow is still practiced today in many medical schools upon graduation. – – – Hipokratov Zavjet – Režim koji ja prihvaćam će biti za dobrobit mojih pacijenata u skladu sa mojom sposobnošću procjenjivanja, a ne da ih povrijedim ili da im učinim bilo što loše. . . . Dok se ja pridržavam ovog zavjeta bez da ga kršim, može li mi biti garantirano da uživam život i umjetnost liječenja, poštovan od svih ljudi, u svim vremenima! Ali ako ja prekoračim i prekršim ovaj zavjet, može li suprotno biti moja sudbina. Hipokrat – Grčki liječnik živio u 5. stoljeću prije Krista. Polaganje ovog zavjeta se i danas prakticira u mnogim medicinskim školama nakon završetka studija.

In essence, you are neither subordinate nor superior to anyone. From this realization springs true self-respect and true humility. In the eyes of the ego, self-esteem and humility are opposites. In the eyes of truth they are exactly the same. Eckhart Tolle – NEW EARTH – – – U biti nikome niste ni podređeni ni nadmoćni. Iz te spoznaje izviru istinsko samopoštovanje i istinska poniznost. U očima ega samopoštovanje i poniznost su suprotnosti. U očima istine posve su istovjetni. Eckhart Tolle – NOVA ZEMLJA

You will never have confidence in your intuition until you identify with it. This is where self-esteem comes into play. Deepak Chopra – HOW TO KNOW GOD – The journey of the soul in secret over secrets – – – Nikada nećete imati povjerenja u svoju intuiciju dok se ne poistovjetite sa njom. Ovdje se pojavljuje samopoštovanje. Deepak Chopra – KAKO SPOZNATI BOGA – Putovanje duše u tajnu nad tajnama

You are what you intend to hit, hurt, torture, punish, enslave or kill. . . There is nothing less or subtle than an atom or any element as large as space. Likewise, there is no quality of the soul more subtle than nonviolence, and there is no virtue of the spirit greater than respect for life. . . . . . . All Arhats (worthy of respect) of the past, present and future, publish, advise, propose and jointly prescribe. Do not injure, abuse, oppress, attack, torture or kill any creature or living thing. Mahavira – – – Ti si ono što namjeravaš udariti, povrijediti, mučiti, kazniti, porobiti ili ubiti. . . Ne postoji ništa manje ili suptilno kao atom niti bilo koji element tako velik kao prostor. Isto tako, ne postoji kvaliteta duše suptilnija od nenasilja, i nema vrline duha veće od poštovanja za život. . . . . . . Svi Arhati (dostojni poštovanja) prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti, objavljuju, savjetuju, predlažu i zajednički propisuju. Ne povrjeđuj, ne zlostavljaj, ne ugnjetavaj, ne napadaj, ne muči ili ne usmrti bilo koje stvorenje ili živo biće. Mahavira

Anger shows your lack of tolerant brotherly love plus a lack of self-esteem and self-control. Jesus – THE URANTIA BOOK – – – Ljutnja pokazuje tvoj nedostatak tolerantne bratske ljubavi plus nedostatak samopoštovanja i samokontrole. Isus – THE URANTIA BOOK 

Nikada na ovomu svijetu kušnje ne vidjeh ništa skupocjenije od dobra karaktera. Jalaludin Rumi  1207 – 1273 – – – Never in this world of temptation have I seen anything more precious than good character. Jalaludin Rumi 

Humility is what we must feel towards the divine, towards the higher self that pervades us. Elisabeth Haich – INITIATION – – – Poniznost je ono što moramo osjećati prema božanskom, prema višem sebstvu koje nas prožimlje. Elisabeth Haich – INICIJACIJA  

If we accept the reasonable principles of the Cosmic Heritage, then the question of foreign and domestic countries does not arise. The entire universe is our paternal property, and we are members of the Cosmic Society. All beings of this universe are family and relatives to each other. No one is worthy of contempt. All are equally worthy of respect and are entitled to equal love and affection. P. R. Sarkar – THOUGHTS Self-knowledge and service to the world – – – Ako prihvatimo razumne principe Kozmičkog nasljeđa, onda se ne pojavljuje pitanje stranih i domaćih zemalja. Cijeli univerzum je naša očinska imovina, a mi smo članovi Kozmičkog društva. Sva bića ovoga univerzuma su obitelj i rodbina jedni drugima. Nitko nije vrijedan prezira. Svi su podjednako vrijedni poštovanja i imaju pravo na jednaku ljubav i naklonost. ­ P. R. Sarkar ­ – MISLI ­ Samo­spoznaja i služenje svijetu

Respect yourself and others will respect you. – – – Poštujte sebe i drugi će vas poštovati. Confucije

Mudri su bili stari Lakote. Znali su da čovjekovo srce postaje tvrdo kad se udalji od prirode i da nepoštivanje živih, rastućih stvari također vodi nepoštivanju ljudi. Stoga su uvijek podučavali mlade da se ne udaljavaju od njenog umirujućeg utjecaja. Poglavica – Luther Medvjed Koji Stoji, Oglala Sioux

Children are human beings to whom respect is due, superior to us by reason of their innocence and of the greater possibilities of their future. Maria Montessori – – – Djeca su ljudska bića kojima se duguje poštovanje, nadmašuju nas zbog svoje nevinosti i većih mogućnosti svoje budućnosti. Maria Montessori

Receive children with respect, raise them in love, and send them free. – – – Primajte djecu s poštovanjem, odgajajte ih u ljubavi i ostavite ih slobodnima. Rudolf Steiner

O Great Spirit. . . Give us the wisdom to teach our children to love, to respect, and to be kind to each other so that they may grow with peace in mind. – – – O Veliki Duše. . . Dajte nam mudrost da svoju djecu naučimo voljeti, poštivati ​​i biti ljubazni jedni prema drugima kako bi rasla s mirom na umu. Indijanska mudrost. Native American wisdom


Any attempt to shift the responsibility of parenthood to the state or the church will prove to be devastating for well-being and progress of civilization. (page 941) THE URANTIA BOOK, 1955 – – – -Bilo koji pokušaj da se odgovornost roditeljstva prebaci na državu ili crkvu će se pokazati uništavajućom za dobrobit i napredak civilizacije. (strana 941) THE URANTIA BOOK, 1955 1) Share concerns, frustrations, ideas & Your Wisdom. 2) Posting Medical Truth NOT Shared on Major Media Outlets. 3) Explore Legal Violations Against Grandparents’ Rights/ Voice – Covid-19 “Virus” & Covid-19 Vaccine. EG Forced Fear on Adult Children. Isolating grandchildren. Suppressing Grandparent’s advice – – – – 1) Podijelite brige, frustracije, ideje i svoju mudrost. 2) Objavljivanje medicinske istine koja se NE dijeli na glavnim medijskim kućama. 3) Istražite pravna kršenja prava baka i djedova/ Glas – “Virus” Covid-19 i cjepivo protiv Covid-19. Npr. Forsiranje straha kod odrasle djece. Izolacija unuka. Potiskivanje savjeta djeda i bake

novastrategijanecijepljenja – Što učiniti ako ne želimo cijepiti djecu i kako? Znanje potrebno za roditelje koji su odgovorni za svoju djecu do 18 godine punoljetnosti – kao i za inteligentne pedijatre/pedijatrice ili ostalo medicinsko osoblje koje je pod prisilom vlade koja se ne smije miješati u njihov posao liječnika – koji su položili Hipokratovu zakletvu koja je iznad svih zakona i Ustava i političara ili bogatih farmaceutskih kompanija. Hipokratova zakletva je utemeljena na ljudskosti, ljubavi i mudrosti, i oni koji se je ne pridržavaju – neka ne glume liječnike. Liječnici iz ovoga dokumenta iako sve znaju mogu se podsjetiti  – kako da izbjegnu kriminalno kršenje zakona  i ne budu tuženi od strane roditelja – te ostanu ljudi u svojoj ljudskosti mudrosti i ljubavi. Mnogo doktora i medicinskog osoblja širom svijeta je dobilo otkaze jer su se pridržavali Hipokratove zakletve vidi primjer: – Klinika Mayo otpušta 700 radnika koji se nisu pridržavali obaveznog naloga za cjepivo protiv Covida – – Odvjetnici su rekli da se oni ne “protive cijepljenju”, ali su rekli da “ljudi moraju donijeti ovu odluku na temelju koristi i rizika za sebe, a ne biti prisiljeni na to prijetnjom gubitka posla”. 

Intelligence? and bribery. – If someone gives me poison for free and says that it will preserve my health – I will not accept that. If it is a doctor who advises on cleanliness, health, disinfection, and gives me a vaccine that contains impurities-poisons, aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde, parasites, graphene oxide, mercury, “SM-102”, nano-microchips, luciferase, aborted cells fetus etc. and says that poisoning my body will save me from serious diseases, I will certainly not take poison. Why do hypocritical doctors say Primum non nocere – “First do no harm” according to the Hippocratic Oath. . . I will not give lethal poison to anyone, even if he begs me for it, nor will I give him advice about it”, and people are persistently forced to inject poisons into their bodies and the bodies of their children. When you poison, injure or kill someone, you go to prison. But if you inject poisons into someone and injure or kill them – you have no responsibility and you don’t go to jail. Unknown?…/iznenada-preminuli-bombasticni…  video-english-croatian language Suddenly died
Inteligencija? i mito. – Ako mi netko besplatno daje otrov i govori da će mi to sačuvati zdravlje – to neću prihvatiti. Ako je to doktor koji savjetuje o čistoći, zdravlju, dezinfekciji, a daje mi cjepivo koje sadrži nečistoće-otrove, aluminij, živu, formaldehid, parazite, grafen oksid, merkur, “SM-102”, nano-mikročipove, luciferazu, stanice pobačenih fetusa itd. i govori da će me trovanje tijela spasiti od težih bolesti, sigurno neću uzeti otrov. Zašto licemjerni doktori po Hippokratovoj zakletvi govore Primum non nocere – “Prvo ne povrijedi . . . Nikome neću, makar me za to i molio, dat smrtonosni otrov, niti ću mu za nj dati savjet”, a uporno ljude tjeraju da u svoja i u tijela djece ubrizgavaju otrove. Kada nekoga otruješ, ozljediš ili ga ubiješ ideš u zatvor. Ali ako u nekoga ubrizgavaš otrove i ozlijediš ih ili ubiješ – nemaš nikakvu odgovornost i ne ideš u zatvor. Nepoznat?… žrtvovani pokolj vakcinama u ex Yu regijama

To develop spirit is to build character. Mahatma Gandhi  –  Razviti duh znači izgraditi karakter. Mahatma Gandhi  – –  Lažljivac lako polaže zakletvu. Douglas Malloch – – – A liar easily takes his oath. Douglas Malloch – Masks and Mask Wearing: 111 Facts You Must Know – – – – – – Maske i nošenje maski: 111 Činjenica koje ti moraš znati – dokazi o štetnosti  – – – – Guy Hatchard – November 20, 2022 – Estimated reading time: 7 minutes – We now confidently know that Covid-19 and mRNA vaccines both came from the same stable-experimental biotechnology laboratories. As the old saying goes, two wrongs do not make a right. In our case, they made a disaster that could and should have been confidently predicted by anyone knowledgeable working in the field. It has been well-known for the last thirty years that gene editing causes unintended consequences. Experiments on animals, crops and synthetic meats have thrown up unexpected aberrations. Experiments with gene therapy on humans are dogged by failures. Aberrations and failures both actually translate properly into a six-letter word, ‘deaths.’ The word unexpected is also a misuse of the English language. I should have used inevitable, because that is fully corroborated by past experience. . . . This article was originally published in the Hatchard Report Guy Hatchard, Ph.D., was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID). Guy is the author of Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness.  see link – – – – – – Postoji Krivac. Postoje dokazi. Znali su što rade. Oni su krivi. Trebalo bi ih zaustaviti.  – 20. studenog 2022. – Predviđeno vrijeme čitanja: 7 minuta Sada pouzdano znamo da su i cjepiva protiv Covid-19 i mRNA došla iz istih stabilnih – eksperimentalnih biotehnoloških laboratorija. Kao što stara izreka kaže, dvije greške ne čine dobro. U našem slučaju napravili su katastrofu koju je mogao i trebao s pouzdanjem predvidjeti svatko upućen u to područje. Da uređivanje gena uzrokuje neželjene posljedice, poznato je već trideset godina. Pokusi na životinjama, usjevima i sintetičkom mesu doveli su do neočekivanih odstupanja. Eksperimenti s genskom terapijom na ljudima popraćeni su neuspjesima. I aberacije i neuspjesi zapravo se pravilno prevode u riječ od šest slova, ‘smrt’. Riječ neočekivano također je pogrešna uporaba engleskog jezika. Trebao sam iskoristiti neizbježno, jer to u potpunosti potvrđuje prošlo iskustvo. . . . Ovaj je članak izvorno objavljen u Hatchard Reportu Guy Hatchard, Ph.D., prije je bio viši menadžer u Genetic ID-u, tvrtki za testiranje i certifikaciju hrane (sada poznatoj kao FoodChain ID). Guy je autor knjige Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness to Heal yourself and Our World. Ayurvedski nacrt za zdravlje i dobrobit.  više na linku


Sloboda-Prava-Odgovornost ( Krizaljke-izreke-info pdf.) 4MB

Under the Nuremberg Code, responsibility for violations of informed consent rests upon individual doctors, government officials – and their aiders and abettors – each of who can be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. – – – Prema Nürnberškom kodeksu, odgovornost za kršenje informiranog pristanka leži na pojedinačne liječnike, vladine službenike – i njihove pomagače i podržavatelje – svaki od njih može biti procesuiran za zločine protiv čovječnosti.

NAMJERNO TROVANJE – ZLOČIN I GENOCID PROTIV ČOVJEČANSTVA – POČINITELJI I DALJE NA SLOBODI PRISILJAVAJU LJUDE NA CIJEPLJENJE – NEOVISNO PRAVOSUĐE U DEMOKRATSKIM DRŽAVAMA NIJE NEOVISNO – SUDIONICI VLADE/POLITIČARI/VJERSKI VOĐE/LIJEČNICI. . . – video – 26. 05. 2023. – Dr. Roger Hodkinson, “kao izravna posljedica #Covid #Vakcine, oko 20 milijuna ljudi je umrlo diljem svijeta, a 2 MILIJARDE su ozlijeđene”  – 08/22/2022 -The Nuremberg Code is the foundation for modern medical ethics. The code has been incorporated into U.S. federal and state law, and U.S. courts have recognized the Nuremberg Code as a universal, international legal standard — like the norms prohibiting slavery and piracy. The Nuremberg Code exists and is enforceable even if a country or institution or individual denies its validity. The consent of the individual is absolutely essential in all medical experimentation. There are no exceptions. Tragically, in the last two-and-a-half years, we have witnessed a global assault on the Nuremberg Code. Governments, medical establishments, universities and the media have violated the very first principle and every other principle of the code’s 10 points. They have coerced people into being human guinea pigs. They have forced people on penalty of their livelihoods, their identities, their health, their friendships — and even their family relationships — to take inadequately tested, experimental, gene-altering injections as well as experimental tests and medical devices. Those who have intentionally, knowingly and maliciously violated the principles of the Nuremberg Code must be punished. They must be called out, prosecuted and punished for crimes against humanity. This is one of our key tasks. We must stop this. And we must ensure this does not happen again. . . .  – – – 22. 08. 2022. Mary Holland: Oni koji su prekršili Nürnberški kodeks moraju biti procesuirani za zločine protiv čovječnosti – Vlade, medicinske ustanove, sveučilišta i mediji prekršili su prvo načelo i svako drugo načelo 10 točaka kodeksa. Prisilili su ljude da budu ljudski pokusni kunići.  – – –  – – – May 17, 2021 | Connecticut Publishes Moderna COVID Vax Ingredients: DEADLY POISON “SM-102 – Not for Human or Veterinary Use”  – The Connecticut Department of Public Health has published the Ingredients list for the Moderna COVID “Vaccine” and that data sheet confirms it contains a chemical “SM-102.”  – The SM-102 Material Safety Data Sheet describes this chemical as “NOT FOR HUMAN OR VETERINARY USE” – “The Connecticut Department of Public Health has published the Ingredients list for the Moderna COVID “Vaccine” and that data sheet confirms it contains a chemical “SM-102.” – – – – – – –  17. svibnja 2021. | Connecticut objavljuje sastojke Moderna COVID Cjepiva: SMRTONOSNI OTROV “SM-102 – nije za ljudsku ili veterinarsku upotrebu”  “Odjel za javno zdravstvo Connecticuta objavio je popis sastojaka za Moderna COVID “Vaccine” i taj tehnički list potvrđuje da sadrži kemikaliju “SM-102.” – Sigurnosno-tehnički list SM-102 opisuje ovu kemikaliju kao “NIJE ZA LJUDSKU ILI VETERINARSKU UPORABU” – “Odjel za javno zdravstvo Connecticuta objavio je popis sastojaka za Moderna COVID “cjepivo” i taj podatkovni list potvrđuje da sadrži kemikaliju “SM-102. – – – “ – –

I swear by Apollo the physician, Asclepius, Hygieia and Panakeia by all the gods and goddesses, calling them as witnesses, that I will keep this oath and these obligations with all my strength and conscience. . . . I will not give deadly poison to anyone, even if he begs me for it, nor will I advise him about it. The Hippocratic Oath   – – – – Do not harm  – – –  Kunem se Apolonom liječnikom, Asklepijem, Higijejom i Panakejom svim bogovima i božicama, zovući ih za svjedoke, da ću po svim silama i savjesti držati ovu prisegu i ove obveze. . . . Nikome neću, makar me za to i molio, dat smrtonosni otrov, niti ću mu za nj dati savjet. . . Čisto ću i pobožno živjeti i obavljati svoje umijeće. . .  Hipokrat zakletva  – – – –  – – –  – – –  – –  If you decide to use this notice, print out two copies and keep a signed copy for your records. If you want to revise the text before taking it to a medical appointment, download and edit the Word version.

NOTICE OF WAR CRIMES – If you have been promoting or using products known as “Covid-19 vaccines” on patients since December 2020, you have been participating in fraud, mass murder and war crimes, because medical countermeasures (MCMs), covered countermeasures, and prototype products are DOD (Department of Defense – USA) – contracted bioweapons intended and effective for injuring, sickening and killing recipients. You may not have known or understood your participation in fraud, mass murder and war crimes before today.  I am now informing you; you have now been given notice. . . . . . . – First published on February 18th, 2021. – Dr. Stanley Plotkin, godfather of vaccines, under oath admits the true horrific vaccine ingredients  – – – – –  dr. Stanley Plotkin, kum cjepiva, pod zakletvom priznaje prave užasne sastojke cjepiva – – first published at 8 : 34 :06 Januar 18. 2018. dr. Stanley Plotkin, the entire 9-hour video –  cijeli video od 9 sati trajanja 

My respect for human beings is based not on the colour of a man’s skin nor authority he may wield, but purely on merit. Nelson Mandela – – Moje poštovanje prema ljudskim bićima ne temelji se na boji čovjekove kože niti na autoritetu kojim raspolaže, već isključivo na zaslugama. Nelson Mandela 

If you once forfeit the confidence of your fellow citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem. It is true that you may fool all of the people some of the time; you can even fool some of the people all of the time; but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Abraham Lincoln – – Ako jednom izgubite povjerenje svojih sugrađana, njihovo poštovanje i poštovanje više nikada nećete moći vratiti. Istina je da ponekad možete prevariti sve ljude; čak možete prevariti neke ljude cijelo vrijeme; ali ne možete prevariti sve ljude cijelo vrijeme. Abraham Lincoln

I am a doctor – it’s a profession that may be considered a special mission, a devotion. It calls for involvement, respect and willingness to help all other people. Ewa Kopacz – – Ja sam liječnica – to je zanimanje koje se može smatrati posebnom misijom, predanošću. Poziva na uključenost, poštovanje i spremnost da se pomogne svim drugim ljudima. Ewa Kopacz 

A hypocrite despises those whom he deceives, but has no respect for himself. He would make a dupe of himself too, if he could. William Hazlitt – – Licemjer prezire one koje vara, ali nema poštovanja prema sebi. On bi i sebe prevario, da može. William Hazlitt  –

Your children are not the property of the state. You gave birth to them, raised them and take care of them. What and what your children will become depends on you parents. As parents, you are responsible for the upbringing and education of your children. Croatian Bishops’ Conference, from the summer of 2013 – – Vaša djeca nisu vlasništvo države. Vi ste ih rodili, othranili i za njih skrbite. O vama roditeljima ovisi što će i kakva će postati vaša djeca. Vi ste kao roditelji odgovorni za odgoj i obrazovanje svoje djece. Hrvatska biskupska konferencija, iz letka 2013. godine

In the Encyclical of December 31, 1929, the Church’s right to the child is proclaimed above the rights of the parents or the State. Joseph Wheless – FORGERY IN CHRISTIANITY – A Documentary Record of the Foundations of the Christian Religion, 1930. – – U Enciklici od 31 prosinca 1929, pravo Crkve na dijete se proklamira iznad prava roditelja ili Države. Joseph Wheless – KRIVOTVORENJE U KRŠĆANSTVU – Dokumentirani zapis o temeljima kršćanske religije, 1929. 

Any attempt to schift parental responsibility to state or church will prove suicidal to the welfare and advancement of civilisation. (page 941) – THE URANTIA BOOK – – Bilo koji pokušaj da se odgovornost roditeljstva prebaci na državu ili crkvu će se pokazati uništavajućom za dobrobit i napredak civilizacije. (str. 941) – THE URANTIA BOOK, 1955 

The States takes the place of God. . .  the socialist dictatorships are religions and State slavery is a form of worship. Carl Jung (1961) – – Država zauzima mjesto Boga. . . socijalističke diktature su religije, a državno ropstvo je oblik obožavanja. Carl Jung (1961) – Zvuk slobode: Postoji globalna epidemija otmice i trgovine djecom

Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. – – I have more respect for a man who lets me know where he stands, even if he’s wrong, than the one who comes up like an angel and is nothing but a devil. Malcolm X – – Budite miroljubivi, uljudni, poštujte zakon, poštujte svakoga; ali ako netko digne ruku na tebe, pošalji ga na groblje. – – Više poštujem čovjeka koji mi daje do znanja gdje je, čak i ako je u krivu, nego onoga koji se pojavi poput anđela a nije ništa drugo nego đavo. Malcolm X

Never do anything against conscience, even if the state requires it. . . – Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth. Albert Einstein – – –  Nikada ne čini ništa protiv savjesti, čak i ako to zahtijeva država. . . – Nepromišljeno poštovanje autoriteta najveći je neprijatelj istine.  Albert Einstein

English/Croatian translation – Pfizer’s vaccine contract is blackened and illegible – see video – How can governments, doctors and people forcefully push covid19 vaccines without knowing what the contracts say? How do people agree to vaccines without knowing what is written in the contracts? Where are religious leaders, lawyers, fighters for human rights and freedom. Politicians have signed contracts that they do not disclose to the public? – it is a dictatorship – a criminal private association that does not represent the people even though they took an oath to protect the Constitution and serve the people. They also vaccinate cattle and do not give them contracts for inspection! – – ugovor o cjepivu su zacrnjeni i nečitljivi vidi video – Kako vlade, doktori i ljudi mogu na silu gurati cjepiva covid19 a ne znaju što piše u ugovorima? Kako ljudi pristaju na cjepiva, a ne znaju što piše u ugovorima? Gdje su religiozne vođe, odvjetnici, borci za ljudska prava i slobodu. Političari su potpisali ugovore koje ne davaju javnosti na uvid? – to je diktatura – zločinačko privatno udruženje koje ne predstavlja narod iako su položili zakletvu da će čuvati Ustav i služiti narodu. Stoku isto cijepe i ne daju joj ugovore na uvid! –  – Classified Documents Prove Your Government Is Using COVID Vaccination To Cause Depopulation – March 12, 2023 – Povjerljivi dokumenti dokazuju da vaša Vlada koristi cijepljenje protiv COVID-a kako bi izazvala depopulaciju – 12. ožujka 2023 10.pdf24. 02. 2023. OBAVIJESTI O RATNIM ZLOČINIMA PRUŽATELJIMA ZDRAVSTVENIH USLUGA I ZDRAVSTVENIM OSIGURAVAJUĆIM DRUŠTVIMA – Ako ste do sada na pacijentima promovirali ili upotrebljavali proizvode poznate kao “cjepiva protiv Covid-19”. od prosinca 2020. sudjelovali ste u prijevarama, masovnim ubojstvima i ratnim zločinima, jer medicinske protumjere (MCM), pokrivene protumjere i prototipovi proizvoda su biološka oružja ugovorena s DOD-om (Department of Defence – USA) namijenjena i učinkovita za ozljeđivanje, mučenje i ubijanje primatelja. Možda niste znali ili razumjeli svoje sudjelovanje u prijevarama, masovnim ubojstvima i ratnim zločinima prije danas. Sada vas obavještavam; sada ste dobili obavijest. . . . . . – . . . . . . . – F. CEASE AND DESIST – The World Council for Health is ethically and lawfully bound to issue this Declaration, demanding that governments and corporations cease and desist from direct or indirect participation in the manufacturing, distribution, administration or promotion of Covid-19 experimental injections. The Council declares that every living man and woman has a moral and legal duty to take immediate and decisive action to halt this unprecedented medical experiment, which continues to cause unnecessary and immeasurable harm. . . . – G. NOTICE OF LIABILITY –The right of bodily integrity and the right to informed consent are inalienable and universal human rights, which have been trampled by government mandates and corporate imperatives. Thus, the World Council for Health declares that any person or organization directly or indirectly participating in the manufacturing, distribution, administration or promotion of Covid-19 experimental biologics will be held liable for the violation of principles of justice grounded in civil, criminal, constitutional and natural law, as well as international treaties. – (Protect) women and children first! – In this episode of ICIC, Reiner Fuellmich engages in a tough but critical discussion with obstetrician and fetal medicine specialist James A. Thorp, criminal defense attorney Yiannis Zografos, and pediatric surgeon Vasilia Souleimanova about the disastrous effects of covid injections, particularly on women and children. They also share their concerns regarding the inglorious role of the judiciary worldwide. The statistics and testimonials from medical professionals are alarming, and the experts agree: for the sake of children – both born and unborn – and for the future of humanity, it is now more important than ever to stand up and unite. We must (continue to) speak the Truth loud and clear to give voice to all those who need us most.  see – . . . . . . – F. PRESTANITE I ODUSTANITE – Svjetsko zdravstveno vijeće ima etičku i zakonsku obvezu izdati ovu Deklaraciju, zahtijevajući od vlada i korporacija da prestanu i odustanu od izravnog ili neizravnog sudjelovanja u proizvodnji, distribuciji, primjeni ili promicanju eksperimentalnih injekcija za Covid-19. Vijeće izjavljuje da svaki živući muškarac i žena imaju moralnu i zakonsku dužnost poduzeti hitnu i odlučnu akciju kako bi zaustavili ovaj medicinski eksperiment bez presedana, koji i dalje uzrokuje nepotrebnu i nemjerljivu štetu.  . . . . . . G. OBAVIJEST O ODGOVORNOSTI – Pravo na tjelesni integritet i pravo na informirani pristanak neotuđiva su i univerzalna ljudska prava, koja su pogažena državnim mandatima i korporativnim imperativima. Stoga Svjetsko zdravstveno vijeće izjavljuje da će se svaka osoba ili organizacija izravno ili neizravno uključena u proizvodnju, distribuciju, primjenu ili promicanje eksperimentalnih bioloških lijekova za Covid-19 smatrati odgovornom za kršenje načela pravde temeljenih na građanskim, kaznenim, ustavnim i prirodno pravo, kao i međunarodni ugovori. – (Zaštiti) žene i djecu prije svega! – U ovoj epizodi ICIC-a, Reiner Fuellmich upušta se u tešku, ali kritičnu raspravu s opstetričarom i specijalistom fetalne medicine Jamesom A. Thorpom, odvjetnikom kaznene obrane Yiannisom Zografosom i pedijatrijskom kirurginjom Vasilijom Souleimanovom o katastrofalnim učincima injekcija protiv covida, posebno na žene i djecu . Također dijele zabrinutost zbog neslavne uloge pravosuđa u cijelom svijetu. Statistike i svjedočanstva medicinskih stručnjaka su alarmantni, a stručnjaci se slažu: za dobrobit djece – rođene i nerođene – i za budućnost čovječanstva, sada je važnije nego ikada ustati i ujediniti se. Moramo (nastaviti) govoriti istinu glasno i jasno kako bismo dali glas svima onima koji nas najviše trebaju. – – vidi isto i na – – – na hrvatskom prevod  – Hrvatica Darija Ljubičić koja živi i radi u Njemačkoj odlučila je javno progovoriti o nuspojavama koje je dobila nakon cijepljenja protiv COVID-a. – –

– Unfortunately, most people seek a “cure” without making any effort to address the causes of their conditions. When the human body becomes ill from a diet contaminated with chemicals, more poison is added to the body in the form of drugs and injections to try to restore normal health. These so-called “medicines” create side effects and contribute to the emergence of additional health problems. . . The human bloodstream is the sacred carrier of life and must be well nourished and kept clean. . . They follow the theory of a doctor who inoculates a human being and calmly informs the victim that he “may be immune for the next ten years,” without disclosing the fact that the toxic substance he has injected into the patient’s bloodstream will be circulating in the blood and body for some time before rather than being expelled from the body. . . The human bloodstream is a closed circuit. The Almighty made it so. Everything that enters the blood naturally must pass through fine natural filters that remove dangerous substances. The medicine man, with his needles, bypasses these protective filters and pollutes the bloodstream of many, establishing countless initial weak points for poor health. Dr. Ann Wigmore (vegan) 1909-1994  – Named Woman of the Decade 1970-1980 for her services in the fight against disease – – – – – Nažalost, većina ljudi traži “lijek” bez ikakvih napora da se pozabave uzrocima svojih stanja. Kada se ljudsko tijelo razboli od prehrane kontaminirane kemikalijama, u tijelo se dodaje više otrova u obliku lijekova i injekcija kako bi se pokušalo vratiti normalno zdravlje. Ovi takozvani “lijekovi” stvaraju nuspojave i doprinose nastanku dodatnih zdravstvenih problema. . . Ljudski krvotok je sveti nositelj života i mora se dobro hraniti i održavati čistim. . . Oni slijede teoriju liječnika koji cijepi ljudsko biće i smireno obavještava žrtvu da bi “možda bila imuna sljedećih deset godina”, ne otkrivajući činjenicu da će otrovna tvar koju je ubrizgao u pacijentov krvotok cirkulirati u njemu u krvi i tijelu neko vrijeme prije nego da bude izbačen iz tijela. . . Ljudski krvotok je zatvoreni krug. Svevišnji je tako učinio. Sve što prirodnim putem uđe u krv mora proći kroz fine prirodne filtere koji uklanjaju opasne tvari. Vrač svojim iglama zaobilazi te zaštitne filtere i zagađuje krvotok mnogih, stvarajući bezbrojne početne slabe točke za loše zdravlje. Dr. Ann Wigmore (vegan) – Proglašena ženom desetljeća 1970.-1980. za zasluge u borbi protiv bolesti 

– Svjetovni ljudi i ne znaju čega se uopće treba stidjeti. Oni to čine zbog stvari koje su prirodne, a na drugoj strani odaju se licemjerju i zlim djelima koja su istinska sramota. Milarepa 1052­1-1352  – – – – Worldly people don’t even know what to be ashamed of. They do it because of things that are natural, and on the other hand they indulge in hypocrisy and evil deeds that are a real shame. Milarepa 10521-1352  

A lesson about courage and honesty – Dr. Julie Ponesse – Book – My Choice: The Ethical Case Against the Covid-19 Vaccine Order – Dr. Julie Ponesse – Ethics professor fired for refusing vaccines – watch the video… – Posted on September 7, 2021. – – Lekcija o hrabrosti i poštenju – Dr. Julie Ponesse – Knjiga – Moj izbor: Etički slučaj protiv naloga za cjepivo protiv Covid-19 – Dr. Julie Ponesse – Profesorica etike dobila otkaz zbog odbijanja cjepiva – pogledajte video –… – Objavljeno 7. rujna 2021.  
 – Children, who are at no risk from Covid-19, are being aggressively pursued and forcibly injected with an experimental injection whose ingredients are secret. The injection, which is marketed as a vaccine, has garnered more life-threatening adverse reactions within 18 months than all other FDA-licensed vaccines combined for the last 30 years. Infants and young children are being injected within the framework of an experimental medical atrocity, an atrocity that is a chilling reminder of Nazi medical atrocities. – – – Djecu, koja nisu u opasnosti od Covid-19, agresivno se progoni i nasilno im ubrizgavaju eksperimentalne injekcije čiji su sastojci tajni. Injekcija, koja se reklamira kao cjepivo, izazvala je više po život opasnih nuspojava u roku od 18 mjeseci nego sva druga cjepiva s licencom FDA zajedno u posljednjih 30 godina. Dojenčad i mala djeca dobivaju injekcije u okviru eksperimentalnog medicinskog zločina, zločina koji je jeziv podsjetnik na nacističke medicinske zločine.

Those who experiment with their patients, without knowing the real constitution of man, are murderers. dr. Paracelsus – 1493-1541 – – – – Oni koji eksperimentiraju sa svojim pacijentima, bez da poznavaju istinsku konstituciju čovjeka, jesu ubojice. dr. Paracelzus – – – – – – Hipokratova zakletva  – – –  In-Memoriam-Amnestija

Doctors give medicines they know little about, to treat diseases they know even less about, to people about whom they don’t know anything. Francois Voltaire 1694 – 1774 – – – Liječnici daju lijekove o kojima znaju malo, za liječenje bolesti o kojima znaju još manje, ljudima o kojima ne znaju ništa. Francois Voltaire 1694 – 1774 syndrome.html – Potpuno cijepljena djeca pate od multisistemskog upalnog sindroma – 15.06.2022 – ŠOKANTNO: Vlada Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva priznala da djeca cijepljena protiv COVID-a imaju 4423% veću vjerojatnost da će umrijeti od bilo kojeg uzroka i 13633% veću vjerojatnost da će umrijeti od COVID-19 nego necijepljena djeca.

A race must first cultivate a great respect for motherhood, through the sanctification and inviolability of marriage, before it can attain to the ideal of perfect chastity. – – – Rasa prvo mora njegovati veliko poštovanje prema majčinstvu, kroz posvećenje i nepovredivost braka, prije nego što može doseći ideal savršene čistoće. Svami Vivekananda    –  –  –   Cijepljeni-Necijepljeni.pdf    – – –     Hipokratova zakletva   – – –   Sloboda-Slobodi 

Briefly about the film: In 2016, the Tribeca Film Festival abruptly censored its documentary selection “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe”, due to a series of pressures from various industry interests, which was followed by an unprecedented public outcry. In response to the media silence surrounding CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson’s admission of fraud in a key vaccine safety study, VAXXED catapulted into global headlines, opening to sold-out theaters across the US. Astounded by the sheer volume of parents lining up outside movie theaters with stories of vaccine injury to share, VAXXED producer Polly Tommey began live-streaming conversations with parents, not knowing what would happen. Conversations reached millions of views, a community that was once silenced was empowered to be heard. In “Vaxxed II: The People’s Truth,” Polly and the crew travel over 50,000 miles in the US and the world talking to people. Interviews with parents and doctors exposed the vaccine injury epidemic and raised the question on every parent’s mind: “Are vaccines really as safe and effective as they’ve been told?” – watch  film Vaxxed2 – censored film from 2016 – child victims o vaccines





Ukratko o filmu: Tribeca Film Festival je 2016. godine naglo cenzurirao svoj dokumentarni izbor “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe”, zbog niza različitih pritisaka industrijskih interesa, nakon čega je uslijedila neviđena bura u javnosti. Kao odgovor na medijsku šutnju o zviždaču CDC-a, dr. Williamu Thompsonu, koji je priznao prijevaru u ključnoj studiji o sigurnosti cjepiva, film VAXXED se katapultirao i postao tema svjetskih razmjera, otvarajući se za rasprodanu kazališnu publiku diljem SAD-a. Zaprepaštena golemom količinom roditelja koji stoje u redu ispred kina s pričama o ozljedama od cjepiva koje treba podijeliti, producentica VAXXED-a Polly Tommey počela je prenositi uživo razgovore s roditeljima ne slutivši što će se izroditi. Razgovori su dosegli ​​milijune pregleda, a zajednica koja je nekoć bila ušutkana dobila je moć da ju se čuje. U filmu “Vaxxed II: The People’s Truth” Polly i ekipa putuju preko 50.000 milja u SAD-u i svijetu i razgovaraju s ljudima. Intervjui roditelja i liječnika razotkrili su epidemiju ozljeda od cjepiva i postavili pitanje koje pada na pamet svakom roditelju: “Jesu li cjepiva doista tako sigurna i učinkovita kao što su nam rekli?”  –  film – “Vaxxed II: The People’s Truth”  2 sata i 46 minuta iskustvo roditelja cijepljene djece film snimljen 2016 godine – ‼PREVEDENO…..TITLOVANO…..VAŽNO‼ 

na engleskom film možete pogledati na ovoj adresi –  

Where women are respected, there the gods delight; and where they are not, there all works and efforts come to naught. Manu  – – Gdje se žene poštuju, tamo se bogovi raduju; a gdje ih ne poštuju, tu sva djela i napori propadaju. Manu

The secret of Education lies in respecting the pupil. It is not for you to choose what he shall know, what he shall do. It is chosen and foreor­dained, and he only holds the key to his own secret. Ralph Waldo Emerson

The object of education is to give man the unity of truth. Formerly, when life was sim­ple, all the different elements of man were in complete harmony. But when there came the separation of the intellect from the spiritual and the physical, the school education put entire emphasis on the intellect and on the physical side of man. We devote our sole attention to giv­ing children information, not knowing that by this emphasis we are accentuating a break between the intel­lectual, the physical and the spiritual life.  – – Cilj obrazovanja je dati čovjeku jedinstvo istine. Prije, dok je život bio jednostavan, svi različiti elementi čovjeka bili su u potpunom skladu. Ali kada je došlo do odvajanja intelekta od duhovnog i tjelesnog, školsko obrazovanje stavilo je puni naglasak na intelekt i fizičku stranu čovjeka. Isključivu pozornost posvećujemo informiranju djece, ne znajući da tim naglaskom ističemo prekid između intelektualnog, tjelesnog i duhovnog života. Rabindranath Tagore

Only public opinion can keep society clean and healthy. Mahatma Gandhi –  Samo javno mnijenje može održati društvo čistim i zdravim. Mahatma Gandhi 

Breathing is a twofold process – physical and psychological. The ultimate goal of breathing is to purify your thoughts. Which breathing is best? Deep and complete breathing, and the best state for that is to have love. – The rhythm of breathing, the contraction and expansion of the lungs, muscles and diaphragm, is governed by the rhythm that exists in the etheric body of man. And the rhythm of our etheric bodies is connected with the rhythm that governs the entire cosmos. The etheric body, through the human nervous system, supports and directs respiration. But the negative states of his thoughts and feelings affect the etheric body and interrupt the regular rhythm, making it irregular. This explains why we have problems, or worries, fear, anger, hatred, etc. our breathing is automatically changed and the rhythm becomes irregular, fast and short. With other negative states such as sadness, breathing completely disappears, sometimes stopping because the chest is emptied of air. – Without breathing we cannot give education to children because we cannot encourage them to think and feel right. If children do breathing exercises at school according to the instructions of their teachers, they will first of all be healthy, will resist diseases, and in addition will prepare them for right thinking and feeling, will strengthen their will and memory, and help them develop their virtue and talent. Beinsa Douno 1864-1944 Boyan Boev – BREATHING – A New Scientific Method for Mind / Body Spiritual healing – – – – Disanje je dvostruki proces – fizički i psihološki. Krajnji cilj disanja je da pročistiš svoje misli. Koje disanje je najbolje? Duboko i potpuno disanje, a najbolje stanje za to je da imaš ljubavi. – Ritam disanja, skupljanje i širenje pluća, mišića i dijafragme, je upravljano ritmom koji postoji u eterskom tijelu čovjeka. I ritam naših eterskih tijela je povezan sa ritmom koji upravlja cijelim kozmosom. Etersko tijelo, kroz čovjekov nervni sistem podržava i usmjerava disanje. Ali negativna stanja njegovih misli i osjećaja utječu na etersko tijelo i prekidaju redovni ritam, čineći ga neregularnim. Ovo objašnjava zašto imamo problema, ili brige, strah, ljutnju, mržnju itd. naše disanje je automatski izmijenjeno i ritam postaje neregularan, brz i kratak. Sa drugim negativnim stanjima kao što je tuga, disanje u potpunosti nestaje, ponekada se zaustavi, jer su prsa ispražnjena od zraka. – Bez disanja mi ne možemo dati obrazovanje djeci zato jer ih ne možemo potaknuti da ispravno misle i ispravno osjećaju. Ako bi djeca radila vježbe disanja u školi po uputstvima svojih učitelja, najprije od svega će biti zdravi, odupirati će se bolestima, i uz to će ih pripremiti za ispravno razmišljanje i osjećanje, pojačat će njihovu volju i memoriju, i pomoći im u razvijanju njihovih vrlina i talenata. Beinsa Douno 1864-1944 Boyan Boev – BREATHING – A New Scientific Method for Mind/Body Spiritual healing


One’s dignity can be attacked, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is renounced. Michael J. Fox  – – – Nečije dostojanstvo može biti napadnuto, vandalizirano i okrutno ismijano, ali nikada ne može biti oduzeto osim ako ga se ne odrekne. Michael J. Fox

They can’t take away our self-respect if we don’t give it to them. Mahatma Gandhi – – – Ne mogu nam oduzeti samopoštovanje ako im ga mi ne damo. Mahatma Gandhi

No force other than your own will is strong or worthy enough to guide you. In this you are free as God is free and you need to stay that way forever. A COURSE IN MIRACLES (Course on Miracles, ) – Helen Schucman, a professor at Columbia University, wrote the work but claims that the real author of the work is Jesus Christ

Never in the history of mankind has there been a “health crisis” that has restricted breathing, because breathing is a basic physiological function of life. Arna Šebalj – Nikada u povijesti čovječanstva nije bila “zdravstvena kriza” koja je ograničavala disanje, jer je disanje osnovna fiziološka funkcija života. Arna Šebaljšenje.pdf
There is one way of breathing that is embarrassing and restrained. Then, there is another way: the breath of love that leads you all the way to infinity. Jalaluddin Rumi – Postoji jedan način disanja koji je sramotan i sputan. Zatim, postoji još jedan način: disanje ljubavi koje vas vodi sve do beskonačnosti. Dželaludin Rumi 1207-1273. (Freedom to breath agency) – Wearing a face mask has also a very important effect on our psychology. It is a psychological anchor for suppression, enslavement, and cognitive obedience. When you wear a mask you are complicit in declaring all humans as dangerous, infectious, and threats. How long do you think it will be before your social engineers tell you that talking spreads the virus farther ….and they forbid talking? – – – – (Agencija za slobodu disanja) – Nošenje maske za lice također ima vrlo važan učinak na našu psihologiju. To je psihološko sidro za potiskivanje, porobljavanje i kognitivnu poslušnost. Kad nosite masku, suučesnici ste u proglašavanju svih ljudi opasnim, zaraznim i prijetnjama. Što mislite koliko će proći prije nego što vam društveni inženjeri kažu da se razgovorom virus širi dalje … i zabranjuju razgovor?

If you want to be respected by others, the great thing is to respect yourself. Only by that, only by self-respect will you compel others to respect you. Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Insulted and Humiliated – Ako želite da vas drugi poštuju, velika je stvar poštovati sebe. Samo tako, samo poštivanjem sebe natjerat ćete druge da vas poštuju. Fjodor Dostojevski, Uvrijeđeni i poniženi

Character – the willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life – is the source from which self-respect springs. Joan Didion, On Self-Respect – Karakter – spremnost prihvaćanja odgovornosti za vlastiti život – izvor je iz kojeg izvire samopoštovanje. Joan Didion, O samopoštovanju

When you express “purity” which is the truth about yourself, you feel a love for yourself that is expressed by self-respect, self-esteem, and self-confidence! Dr. Tae Yun Kim, Seven Steps to Inner Power – Kad izrazite “čistoću” koja je istina o sebi, osjećate ljubav prema sebi izraženu samopoštovanjem, samopoštovanjem i samopouzdanjem! Dr. Tae Yun Kim, Sedam koraka do unutarnje snage

A quest for self-respect is proof of its lack. Ayn Rand – Potraga za samopoštovanjem dokaz je njegovog nedostatka. Ayn Rand

When you know who you are and what you are, then you will not need any artificial guidance, because you will treat others with love and respect spontaneously. Thomas Nehrer – Kad znate tko ste i što ste, tada vam neće trebati nikakvo umjetno vodstvo, jer ćete se prema drugima odnositi s ljubavlju i poštovanjem spontano. 

Najdraža od svih stvari u mojim očima je pravda. . . Uz njenu pomoć vidjet ćeš svojim očima, a ne očima drugih. Baha’u’llah – –  Sudci-pravda  – 

A society that does not recognize that every individual has its own values ​​that he has the right to follow, cannot have respect for the dignity of the individual and cannot truly know freedom. . . – In the first attempts to create a world of free people we failed, we must try again. The experience we have gained should better prepare us for the task. Guiding principles – freedom for the individual is the only advanced signpost that is true, both today and in the past. Friedrich A. Hayek – THE ROAD TO SERFDOM – Društvo koje ne priznaje da svaki pojedinac ima svoje vlastite vrijednosti koje ima pravo slijediti, ne može imati poštovanje za dostojanstvo pojedinca i ne može uistinu spoznati slobodu.  U prvim pokušajima stvaranja svijeta slobodnih ljudi nismo uspjeli, moramo pokušati ponovno. Iskustvo koje smo stekli trebalo bi nas bolje pripremiti za zadatak. Načela vodilja – sloboda za pojedinca jedini je napredni putokaz koji je istinit, kako danas tako i u prošlosti. Friedrich A. Hayek – 1899-1992 – PUT KA ROPSTVU – – – 

If someone tried to take control of your body and make you a slave, you would fight for freedom. Yet how easily you hand over your mind to anyone who insults you. When you dwell on their words and let them dominate your thoughts, you make them your master. Epictetus, The Manual: A Philosopher’s Guide to Life – – Kad bi netko pokušao preuzeti kontrolu nad vašim tijelom i učiniti vas robom, borili biste se za slobodu. Ipak, kako lako predajete svoj um svakome tko vas vrijeđa. Kada se zadržite na njihovim riječima i dopustite im da dominiraju vašim mislima, učinit ćete ih svojim gospodarom. Epiktet, Priručnik: filozofski vodič kroz život

Respect for man is the supreme law of Mankind, and the real object of history, its only legitimate object is the refinement and emancipation, the real freedom, progress and happiness of every individual in society. . . . – We must understand that collective freedom and progress exist only as long as they represent the sum of individual freedoms and progress. Until now, all of human history has been just a continual and bloody sacrifice of millions of poor human beings in honor of some ruthless abstractions: God, land, state power, national pride, historical rights, political freedom, public welfare. Michael Bakunin 1814-1876 – GOD AND STATE – – – – – Poštivanje čovjeka vrhovni je zakon čovječanstva, a stvarni objekt povijesti, jedini legitimni cilj mu je usavršavanje i emancipacija, prava sloboda, napredak i sreća svakog pojedinca u društvu. . . . – Moramo shvatiti da kolektivna sloboda i napredak postoje samo dok predstavljaju zbir individualnih sloboda i napretka. Dosad je cijela ljudska povijest bila samo neprestana i krvava žrtva milijuna siromašnih ljudskih bića u čast nekim bezobzirnim apstrakcijama: Bogu, zemlji, državnoj moći, nacionalnom ponosu, povijesnim pravima, političkim slobodama, javnoj dobrobiti. Michael Bakunin 1814-1876 – BOG I DRŽAVA












You have a unique gift to offer this world. Be true to yourself, be kind to yourself, read and learn about everything that interests you and keep away from people who bring you down. When you treat yourself kindly and respect the uniqueness of those around you, you will be giving this world an amazing gift… YOU! Steve Maraboli – – – – – Imate jedinstveni dar koji možete ponuditi ovom svijetu. Budite iskreni prema sebi, budite ljubazni prema sebi, čitajte i učite o svemu što vas zanima i klonite se ljudi koji vas sputavaju. Kad se prema sebi ponašate ljubazno i ​​poštujete jedinstvenost ljudi oko sebe, ovom ćete svijetu dati nevjerojatan dar. . . SEBE! Steve Maraboli

You are a child of God. When you live a small life, you are not serving this world. There is nothing noble in deciding to reduce how other people do not feel insecure in your presence. We are born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; she is in everyone. And if we allow our light to shine, we unknowingly allow other people to do the same. And when we get rid of our own fear, our presence spontaneously liberates others. . . . When any of us at any time chooses love instead of fear, it increases the great wave of love that is already washing away the world today. In the name of newborn children and the flood of new love, for the glory of nature and miraculous animals, for the grace of God and for the welfare of our grandchildren, to honor the rising of the sun and preserve its setting – it is time. Marianne Williamson from books by Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford, Marianne Williamson – THE SHADOW EFFECT – Illuminate the hidden power of your own self. – – – – Vi ste Božje dijete. Kada živite malenim životom, ne služite ovom svijetu. Nema ništa plemenitog u odluci da sebe smanjite kako se drugi ljudi ne bi osjećali nesigurni u vašoj nazočnosti. Rođeni smo da očitujemo slavu Boga koja je u nama. Ona nije samo u nekima od nas; ona je u svima. A ako dopuštamo svojoj svjetlosti da sjaji, nesvjesno dajemo drugim ljudima odobrenje da učine isto. A kada se oslobodimo vlastitog straha, naša nazočnost spontano oslobađa druge. . . . – – – – Kada bilo tko od nas u bilo koje vrijeme izabere ljubav umjesto straha, tako povećava veliki val ljubavi koji već danas ispire svijet. U ime novoroĊene djece i poplave nove ljubavi, u slavu prirodi i čudesnim životinjama, zbog milosti Božje i radi blagostanja naših unuka, da bismo poštovali izlazak Sunca i očuvali njegov zalazak – vrijeme je. Marianne Williamson iz knjige od Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford, Marianne Williamson – UČINAK SJENKE – Osvijetlite skrivenu moć vašeg vlastitog jastva

The universal life energy is love, and I am made up of the Universal energy. When we know we are love, there is no need to strive to be full of love for others. Instead, we just need to be true to ourselves and so we will become instruments of the energy of love, which will deeply touch everyone we come in contact with. Being love also means being aware of how important it is to nurture your own soul, take care of your own needs and not always put yourself last. . . . – When we are aware of our own majesty, we have no need to control others, nor will we allow anyone to control us. Anita Moorjani – Dying To Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing – – – – – Univerzalna životna energija jeste ljubav, a ja sam sačinjena od Univerzalne energije. Kada znamo da jesmo ljubav, nema potrebe truditi se da budemo puni ljubavi prema drugima. Umjesto toga, samo trebamo biti vjerni sebi i tako ćemo postati instrumenti energije ljubavi, koja će duboko dirnuti svakoga s kim stupimo u kontakt. Biti ljubav također znači biti svjesna koliko je važno njegovati vlastitu dušu, brinuti se za vlastite potrebe i ne stavljati sebe uvijek na posljednje mjesto. . . . – Kad smo svjesni vlastite veličanstvenosti, nemamo potrebu da kontroliramo druge, niti ćemo dozvoliti da netko nas kontrolira. Anita Moorjani – PONOVNO ROĐENA – Moje putovanje od teške bolesti i iskustva blizu smrti do istinskog ozdravljenja

The moment you follow someone you cease to follow Truth. . . – If you know love you will not follow anybody. Love does not obey. When you love there is neither respect nor disrespect. J. Krishnamurti – – – – U trenutku kada slijedite nekoga prestajete slijediti Istinu. . . – Ako spoznaš ljubav, nećeš nikoga slijediti. Ljubav se ne pokorava. Kad voliš nema ni poštovanja ni nepoštovanja. J. Krishnamurti 

We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a commodity to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect. Aldo Leopold – – – – – Zloupotrebljavamo zemlju jer je smatramo robom koja nam pripada. Kad zemlju promatramo kao robu kojoj pripadamo, možemo je početi koristiti s ljubavlju i poštovanjem. Aldo Leopold

The disciple Kung-tu Tsu said: “Kao Tsu (Mencius’s philosophical rival) says that man’s nature is neither good nor evil. Some say that human nature can be shaped to be good or evil. When the (sage-kings) Wen and Wu were in power, the people thus worshiped virtue and virtue; when they were in power (perverted kings), people indulged in violence. Some say that some have a benevolent nature and some have an evil nature. . . You say that man is good by nature. Are all the others wrong then?” Mencius answered: “When we let her follow natural feelings, the human soul will do good. And that’s why I say it’s good. If it is perverted, it is not in our original ability. We will find the feeling of mercy in all people, as well as the feeling of shame; a sense of respect and a sense of justice and injustice. . . The only thing is that we don’t pay attention to these feelings. That is why it is said: ‘Look for them and you will find them, ignore them and you will be left without them’. Some have these virtues to a much greater extent than others – they have two, five times more, countless times more, and the reason is that those others have not developed their original ability to the limit”. – – Učenik Kung-tu Tsu rekao je: “Kao Tsu (Menciusov filozofski suparnik) kaže da čovjekova priroda nije ni dobra ni zla. Neki kažu da je čovjekovu prirodu moguće oblikovati tako da bude dobra ili zla. Kada su na vlasti bili (kraljevi-mudraci) Wen i Wu, ljudi su tako obožavali vrline i krepost; kada su na vlasti bili (izopačeni kraljevi), ljudi su se odavali nasilju. Neki kažu da netko ima dobroćudnu, a netko zlu prirodu. . . Vi kažete da je čovjek po prirodi dobar. Jesu li onda svi ostali u krivu?“ Mencius je odgovorio: “Kada joj pustimo da se povodi za prirodnim osjećajima, čovjekova će duša činiti dobro. I stoga kažem da je dobra. Ako se izopači, stvar nije u našoj izvornoj sposobnosti. Osjećaj milosrđa pronaći ćemo u svim ljudima, kao i osjećaj stida; osjećaj poštovanja i osjećaj za pravdu i nepravdu. . .  Stvar je samo u tome što se na te osjećaje ne obaziremo. Stoga se kaže: ‘Traži, pa ćeš ih i pronaći, zanemari ih, pa ćeš ostati bez njih’. Neki tim vrlinama raspolažu u mnogo većoj mjeri nego drugi – imaju ih dva, pet puta više, neizmjerno puta više a razlog je to što oni drugi svoju izvornu sposobnost nisu razvili do krajnjih granica“.

Michael Brown – THE PRESENCE PROCESS – It is our responsibility to gratefully direct the ship of our lives to the very center of our original self. It is our responsibility to remember our own innocence and to nurture spontaneous joy and creativity. It is our responsibility to give ourselves unconditional love. And most of all, it is our responsibility to remember to pause from time to time and express respect for the eternal, precious Present Moment that has been given to us and in which we can once again consciously and connected breathe. It is our responsibility to live. . . The author suffered from an extremely painful neurological disease that official medicine could not cure or alleviate. That is why he embarked on a nine-year odyssey of self-healing. During the research, he came up with a number of alternative healing methods, and he peeked beyond their boundaries. The outcome is an evolutionary healing process he called the Process of Presence. – – – – – Michael Brown ­- PROCES PRISUTNOSTI­ ­- Naša je odgovornost zahvalno usmjeravati brod svog života u samo središte svog izvornog ja. Naša je odgovornost pamtiti vlastitu nevinost i njegovati spontanu radost i stvaralaštvo. Naša je odgovornost pružiti sebi bezuvjetnu ljubav. I ponajviše od svega, naša je odgovornost prisjetiti se da povremeno zastanemo i izrazimo poštovanje prema vječnom, dragocjenom Sadašnjem trenutku koji nam je darovan i u kojemu možemo još jednom svjesno i povezano udahnuti. Naša je odgovornost živjeti. . . ­ Autor obolio od iznimno bolne neurološke bolesti koju službena medicina nije mogla ni izliječiti niti ublažiti. Zbog toga se upustio u devetogodišnju odiseju samoiscjeljivanja. Tijekom istraživanja dospio je do brojnih alternativnih metoda iscjeljivanja, a zavirio je i iza njihovih granica. Ishod je evolucijski postupak iscjeljivanja koji je nazvao Proces prisutnosti.

A person who possesses the Original Power is one who has learned to release his energy in love and trust. Gary Zukav and Linda Francis – HEART OF THE SOUL – how to become aware of your feelings – – – – Osoba koja posjeduje Izvornu moć je ona koja je na­učila oslobađati svoju energiju u ljubavi i povjerenju. Gary Zukav i Linda Francis – SRCE DUŠE – kako osvijestiti svoje osjećaje

The danger in helping is that we may inadvertently take more from people than we could ever give them; we can diminish their self-esteem, their sense of worth, integrity or even wholeness. Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen – HELPING, FIXING OR SERVING? – – – – Opasnost u pomaganju je u tome što možemo nehotice oduzeti ljudima više nego što bismo im ikada mogli dati; možemo umanjiti njihovo samopoštovanje, njihov osjećaj vrijednosti, integriteta ili čak cjelovitosti. dr. Rachel Naomi Remen – HELPING, FIXING OR SERVING? – – see also –

By lying, we deprive others of the right to a true view of the world, and it affects not only the decisions they make but also the decisions they are capable of making. Every lie is a direct attack on the autonomy of the one to whom the lie is addressed. Sam Harris – – – – – Laganjem oduzimamo drugima pravo na istinit pogled na svijet, i ono ne utiče samo na odluke koje oni donose nego i na odluke koje su sposobni donositi. Svaka laž je direktni napad na autonomiju onoga kome je laž upućena. Sam Harris

Above all, don’t lie to yourself. The man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point that he cannot distinguish the truth within him, or around him, and so loses all respect for himself and for others. And having no respect he ceases to love. Fyodor Dostoevsky – THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV – – – – Iznad svega, nemojte lagati sami sebi. Čovjek koji laže sam sebe i sluša vlastitu laž dolazi do toga da ne može razlikovati istinu u sebi, ni oko sebe, pa gubi svako poštovanje prema sebi i prema drugima. I bez poštovanja prestaje da voli. Fjodor Dostojevski – BRAĆA KARAMAZOVI

Don’t be a slave to your own past. Dive into fine seas, dive deep and swim far, like that you will come back with self respect, with new power, with advanced experience that will explain and overcome the old. . . . – Have confidence into your self; everyone heart flutters on that steel string. Ralph W. Emerson – – – Ne budi rob svoje vlastite prošlosti. Zaroni u fina mora, duboko roni i daleko plivaj, tako ćeš se vratiti sa samopoštovanjem, sa novom moći, sa naprednim iskustvom koje će objasniti i prevazići staro. . . . – Imajte povjerenja u svoje ja; svako srce treperi na tu čeličnu strunu. Ralph W. Emerson

Truth is the intellectual wealth of the world. Truth is the foundation, the construction, and the shining dome of progress. Truth is the mother of joy. Truth civilizes, ennobles and liberates us. Truth gives people the greatest power of goodness. Loving the truth is a mental virtue – intellectual purity. That is real courage. That is freedom. Robert Ingersoll – – Istina je intelektualno bogatstvo svijeta. Istina je temelj, konstrukcija, i sjajna kupola napretka. Istina je majka radosti. Istina nas civilizira, oplemenjuje i oslobađa. Istina daje ljudima najveću moć dobrote. Voljeti istinu je umna vrlina – intelektualna čistoća. To je prava hrabrost. To je sloboda. Robert Ingersoll

Ne postoji takva institucija i ne postoji takav prokleti posao koji zaslužuje da zbog njih prestaneš biti to što jesi. Jack Welch
Nosi me nada da će istina pobijediti i da borbe i boli neće biti uzaludni. Nisi sam. Dobit ćemo ovaj rat. Ne vjerujte Vladi, izbjegavajte masovne medije i borite se protiv laži. dr. Vernon Coleman, lipanj 2021. – – – – – UDISANJE ŽIVOTA SLOBODI
Društvo koje oduzima donošenje odluka pojedincima i stavlja ih u ruke središnjih planera izaziva nered i ugrožavanje. Teško je zamisliti gluplji ili opasniji način donošenja odluka od stavljanja tih odluka u ruke ljudi koji ne plaćaju cijenu za to što su pogriješili. Thomas Sowell, ekonomist Hoover instituta – – – – – – – – Odgovornost je svakog građanina propitivati ​​autoritet. Benjamin Franklin

Act wisely and courageously in accordance with your innate sense of discernment, even at the cost of losing your life. Let your words, deeds and aspirations be such that you are never ashamed of them. Jetsun Milarepa 1052-1135 – – – Djelujte mudro i hrabro u suglasnosti sa svojim urođenim čulom razlikovanja, čak i po cijenu da izgubite svoj život. Riječi, djela i težnje neka vam budu takvi da ih se nikada ne zastidite. Jetsun Milarepa  

Your own self-realization is the greatest service you can give to the world. Ramana Maharshi 1879 – 1950 – – –  Tvoja vlastita samorealizacija je najveće služenje koje možeš dati svijetu. Ramana Maharshi  1879 – 1950

The dignity of humanity is laid in your hands! Friedrich Schiller 1759 – 1805 – – – Dostojanstvo čovječanstva položeno je u vaše ruke! Friedrich Schiller  1759 – 1805

From within or from behind, a light shines through us upon things, and makes us aware that we are nothing,but the light is all. A man is the facade of a temple wherein all wisdom and all good abide. What we commonly call man, the eating, drinking, planting, counting man, does not as we know him, represent himself, but misrepresent himself. Him we do not respect, but the soul, whose organ he is, would he let it appear through his action, would make our knees bend. When it breathes through his intelect, it is genius; when it breathes through his will, it is virtue; when it flows through his affection, it is love. Ralf W. Emerson 1803-1882  – – Iz unutrašnjosti (naše) ili s leđa svjetlost sija kroz nas na stvari i čini nas svjesnima da smo ništa, a svjetlost da je – sve. Čovjek je pročelje hra­ma u kome sva mudrost i sva dobrota prebivaju. Ono što obično zovemo čovjekom koji jede, pije, sjedi, računa, ne predstavlja njega samog onako ka­ko ga mi znamo, već ga krivotvori. Njega mi ne poštujemo, nego dušu mu, čiji organ je on; i kad bi je pustio da se ispolji kroz njegove radnje, navela bi naša koljena da se poviju. Kad diše kroz njegov intelekt, ona je genije; kad diše kroz njegovu volju, ona je vrlina; kad protiče kroz njegova osjećanja ona je ljubav. Ralf W. Emerson 1803-1882



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